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Virsical Transforms McDonald's China Headquarters into "Big Mac Rubik's Cube"

Last year, McDonald's China moved into its new headquarters building, the "Big Mac Rubik's Cube MCHQ." The new headquarters is located on the west bank of Shanghai, adjacent to the Huangpu River, offering a panoramic view of the river. The building is a single structure with eight floors, consistent with the number of layers in McDonald's classic product, the "Big Mac," and its staggered appearance resembles a Rubik's Cube. The "Big Mac Rubik's Cube MCHQ" showcases McDonald's global food and beverage industry's leading position, while its stylish and avant-garde design highlights McDonald's image of youth, trendiness, vitality, and innovation.

The brand-new headquarters building on the west bank of Shanghai, the "Big Mac Rubik's Cube MCHQ," is a comprehensive upgrade of McDonald's office model.

The "Big Mac Rubik's Cube MCHQ" building, which combines fashion and technology, has a total construction area of nearly 18,000 square meters, accommodating more than 600 employees from McDonald's China headquarters and the Shanghai market for collaborative work.

To promote rapid collision of ideas and effectively break down department barriers, the new headquarters building introduces an intelligent "ABW" office mode.

The "ABW" office mode is the "Activity Based Working" office mode based on office affairs. This new office mode breaks away from traditional fixed workstations, providing employees with up to 8 different workstation options to meet various scene work needs. In the new headquarters, more than 99% of the headquarters employees do not have a fixed workstation. Even McDonald's CEO in China will try flexible workstations.

Employees can choose their desired workstation or find people they want to collaborate with through online reservations. This office design can better break down department barriers and make innovation more efficient.

This flexible way of working will strengthen communication between departments. Maybe your workstation is next to the CEO or CFO, and new inspiration will be generated in daily "collisions."

Virsical Customized Solution

The workstation management model mentioned above is a professional customization by Virsical for McDonald's "ABW" demands.

Flexible reservation and use of workstations are the core content of the ABW work mode. Therefore, Virsical deeply understood McDonald's employees' work tasks, workspace, working hours, and work mode to make overall design coordination to meet employees' space usage in various scenarios. After the product was launched, Virsical conducted usage research among different departments of McDonald's, collected employee experience feedback, and combined system background usage reports to further optimize the solution and provide customers with the best user experience.

In addition to the intelligent workstation system, Virsical also built an intelligent conference system for McDonald's to meet the enterprise's online reservation and intelligent management of conference resources.

Integration of Intelligence and Green

Virsical integrates various intelligent systems with McDonald's proprietary applications to maximize employee usage experience, improve space utilization efficiency, thereby helping McDonald's reduce costs and increase efficiency and achieving digital upgrade of office work.

• Convenient and Easy to Use Anytime, Anywhere

Virsical's intelligent application integrates McDonald's proprietary Teams and WeChat for convenient and scientific use anytime, anywhere, creating a pleasant user experience for employees;

• Bulk Management of Office Space

Virsical's intelligent application manages more than 600 mobile workstations and 50 conference rooms on the eight floors of McDonald's headquarters building. The conference room management is linked with microenvironment control (Honeywell BA/HVAC system) for real-time monitoring and intelligent management of the space;

• Data Visualization and Intelligent Upgrade

Virsical's intelligent application is integrated with Microsoft Azure BDP (Building Data Platform) to achieve real-time display of space reservation data and IoT data (environmental parameters, energy consumption parameters), quantifying carbon emissions data, helping enterprises transition to green low-carbon development, and building a smart building brain.

Virsical Empowers Enterprise Buildings with Intelligence

Virsical's intelligent office solution covers multiple fields of enterprise administration, including workstation management, conference management, visitor management, access management, locker management, toilet management, space asset management, and other modules. Combined with IoT technology, it builds a digital twin intelligent management platform for enterprises, realizing intelligent management of people, objects, and spaces, improving decision-making efficiency and accuracy, avoiding resource waste, and helping enterprises embark on a scientific, green, and digital path of wisdom development.