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InvesTech and Huawei have reached a strategic cooperation agreement on smart office and cloud busine

On August 25, 2022, InvesTech Holdings Limited (InvesTech), a leading comprehensive intelligent information technology solutions provider in China (InvesTech Holdings, together with its subsidiaries, are collectively referred to as the "Group"; stock code: 1087.HK), is pleased to announce that Wafer Systems (Asia) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Group that owns the flagship product of smart office software solutions, Virsical, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Huawei Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. to form a strategic partnership in the fields of smart office and cloud business, providing digital transformation solutions for enterprises.

Wafer Systems and Huawei signed the memorandum at the Revive Tech Asia 2022 technology conference and exhibition held at the Asia International Expo on August 24, 2022. According to the memorandum, during the three-year period from August 2022 to August 2025, Wafer Systems and Huawei will deepen their cooperation in the fields of smart office and cloud business through annual contracts. Wafer Systems and Huawei will fully leverage their resource gathering advantages and jointly launch two breakthrough cloud-based enterprise application solutions, namely, "AIoT-based Intelligent Building Digital Twin Solution" and "Huawei Cloud Digital Administrative Office Solution", empowering customers from different industries to achieve digital transformation.

AIoT-based Intelligent Building Digital Twin Solution

The "AIoT-based Intelligent Building Digital Twin Solution" takes the Virsical AIoT Intelligent IoT platform as the core, builds on Huawei Cloud, integrates building space management systems with various types of smart hardware and terminals, collects and analyzes information such as building occupants' behaviors, terminal devices, and space status, creates a digital platform with information aggregation, resource sharing, and optimized management, and realizes digital management of facility management, energy conservation and emissions reduction, office services, monitoring alerts, emergency services, and information dissemination for enterprise scenarios. This effectively helps enterprises achieve intelligent collaboration among people, things, and spaces, assists them in achieving intelligent transformation of administrative management, improves building operation and management efficiency, and reduces operating costs.

Huawei Cloud Digital Administrative Office Solution

The "Huawei Cloud Digital Administrative Office Solution" uses advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things to build a digital twin intelligent management platform based on Huawei Cloud for enterprises, creating a system platform with information aggregation, resource sharing, and optimized management. It enables real-time dynamic monitoring and control of equipment operations. This platform covers multiple areas of enterprise administration, such as workstation management, meeting management, visitor management, access control, locker management, toilet management, and space asset management. It helps enterprises achieve intelligent management of people, things, and spaces, enhances the efficiency and accuracy of decision-making, empowers them to achieve intelligent transformation of administrative management, and enables green and low-carbon operation of office buildings.

Mr. Chen Xiqiang, Chairman, President, and Executive Director of InvesTech Holdings said:

"We are honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with one of the most outstanding technology companies in the industry - Huawei, and we are highly valued by them. This memorandum is expected to bring business synergy effects to us in the field of cloud-based enterprise application solutions, promote product innovation, help us optimize solutions, and provide better products and services to our customers. Through this strategic cooperation, we also have the opportunity to reach out to Huawei's customers, thereby expanding our customer base and market share in the huge potential Chinese market.

Looking forward to the future, we look forward to collaborating with Huawei in various fields, exploring other cloud-based enterprise application solutions related to system integration, including cloud migration, cloud security, and cloud backup. In order to fully leverage our complementary advantages, the group will strive to establish a closer partnership with Huawei, thus optimizing our long-term core competitiveness."

The memorandum was signed by two authorized representatives, Mr. Zou Shijin (second from left), General Manager of Wafer Systems (Asia) Limited, and Ms. Cao Lingling (second from right), General Manager of Huawei Cloud Business Department in Hong Kong, at Revive Tech Asia 2022. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Mr. Chen Xiqiang (first from left), Chairman of the Board, President, and Executive Director of InvesTech Holdings Limited, and Mr. Deng Shuigeng (first from right), Chief Executive Officer of Huawei International Limited in Hong Kong."