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Authorized! Wisco's solutions have passed Huawei's KUNPENG Technology Certification

Recently, Wisco's intelligent space solutions have completed and passed the "compatibility test certification" with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., as well as the "full-stack optimization test certification" based on KUNPENG's basic technology architecture, and have obtained the "KUNPENG COMPATIBLE" and "KUNPENG VALIDATED" certification certificates and the right to use the certification logo. This marks the perfect integration of Wisco's products with the KUNPENG ecosystem, and can provide more users with safe, reliable, and innovative solutions.


In 2019, Huawei officially launched the KUNPENG Technology Certification, enabling various industries to carry out application migration, deployment, performance testing, and optimization work based on the KUNPENG computing platform, forming a full-stack IT infrastructure, industry applications, and services based on KUNPENG processors, and building a truly open source platform around the future computing industry, achieving true self-reliance and security reliability.

The KUNPENG certification includes but is not limited to qualification requirements, contribution requirements, ability requirements, and comprehensive requirements. Wisco's solutions obtaining the certification also indicates that Wisco's products are compatible, secure, and reliable, meeting the key application needs of users. This certification is Huawei's affirmation of Wisco, and is also a driving force for Wisco to continuously promote independent innovation and independent research and development. Wiseco Intelligent Space Solution: For workstations, meeting rooms, storage cabinets, toilets and other spatial resources within enterprises, buildings, and parks, Wiseco uses intelligent devices such as sensors and a smart management platform to achieve visualization and intelligent management of spatial resources. For example, space occupancy queries and reservations can be made on a spatial map, and spatial resources can be managed across spaces, projects, and departments. At the same time, it provides rental management, cost calculation, spatial data analysis, asset maintenance, environment and energy management, etc. to help enterprises achieve intelligent, efficient, and sustainable development.

In the future, Wiseco will leverage its technical, product performance, rich application scenarios, and mature upstream and downstream industrial chain advantages to continue enhancing the control capabilities, stability, and user experience of its intelligent office series solutions, providing more comprehensive and high-quality products and services for customers, and working with more partners to drive China's enterprise digital transformation and actively contribute to China's digital ecological construction and industrial development.