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Smart Administration, Efficient Office | Start a New Chapter of Smart Management with Bilibili

In the wave of digital transformation, corporate administration is undergoing a profound transformation. As a leader in intelligent office solutions, Virsical is committed to empowering enterprises through innovative technology to achieve intelligent and efficient administration. Today, we are proud to share a successful case study of our collaboration with Bilibili, a leading internet company, to showcase how Virsical can help enterprises achieve a comprehensive upgrade of intelligent administration.

Customer Profile

Bilibili, as China's leading youth culture community and video sharing platform, has a large number of employees and complex administrative needs. As its business expands rapidly, traditional administrative methods can no longer meet its needs for efficient operation. To enhance management efficiency and improve employee experience, B站 decided to adopt Virsical's intelligent administrative platform for a comprehensive digital transformation.

Solution Details

The Virsical team conducted a thorough analysis of Bilibili's business needs and operational challenges, and tailored and implemented an intelligent administrative platform integrating space management (SM) and equipment facility management (FM). This innovative solution has effectively enhanced B station's administrative efficiency through the following key functional highlights:

■ Space Management

Equipment Facility Management Space Visualization: The space management module supports precise planning and configuration of space resources such as floors, workstations, and conference rooms. Through intelligent maps, enterprises can clearly display space layouts, locate space resources, and achieve efficient utilization of space resources.

Desk Reservation: The system also supports flexible reservation and intelligent maintenance of workstations. Employees can book workstations anytime and anywhere through their mobile phones or computers to meet the flexible working needs of the enterprise.

Space Configuration: The management department can allocate space resources and set corresponding permissions based on the management needs of the enterprise, such as partial division of workstations and moving.

Intelligent Reports: The management layer can understand the space usage situation and usage costs intuitively based on the intelligent data reports of the space management system, thus optimizing the allocation of space resources and achieving maximum utilization of space.

■ Equipment and Facility Management

The Virsical equipment and facility management (FM) system helps Bilibili significantly enhance the intelligence of property management through the following core functions.

Intelligent Work Order System: Simplifies the repair process, achieves preventive maintenance, reduces downtime, and extends equipment life.

Inventory and Asset Management: Real-time monitoring of office supplies, automatic triggering of procurement, and reduction of waste; tracking the life cycle of assets to ensure compliance management.

Environment and Energy Management: Monitors the office environment to ensure employee comfort Smart scheduling equipment is used to optimize energy usage and reduce costs.

Supplier management: Centralized management of supplier contracts to ensure service quality and simplify procurement processes.

Mobile office support: Mobile operation for convenient submission of work orders, viewing of space status, and support for flexible working.

These functions work together to enable Bilibili to automate repair, inspection, and preventive maintenance, greatly improving the response speed and quality of property services and achieving the digital upgrade of equipment and facility management.

Looking ahead

After Virsical successfully built a smart administrative platform for Bilibili's Shanghai office, effectively meeting the company's management upgrade needs, the two sides launched Phase II cooperation, deploying the current solution to Bilibili's offices nationwide to ensure consistency in diverse regulations and standards, and achieve the company's wise, scientific, and sustainable development. Looking forward to more cooperation with Bilibili in the field of smart office in the future.